What is a cookie?

Short answer: A small amount of data, often including a unique identifier, that can be sent to your browser when you visit websites and stored by your web browser on your device.

More details: A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie file of the browser on your computer's hard disk so that the website can remember who you are. Cookies can help a website to arrange content to match your preferred interests more quicklymost major websites use cookies. Cookies alone cannot be used to identify who you are. They can be used to identify when the same device has visited the website again, and can place a randomly generated unique number against each website visit to help us (or our partners) understand the web page interactions made in that visit.

A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has originated; the "lifetime" of the cookie; and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number.

When looking at the “lifetime” of a cookie, two types of cookies are used on this website:

TYPE OF COOKIE: Short answer: More details:
Session Cookies These are temporary cookies that only remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site. Session cookies are used to allow you to carry information across pages of our site and avoid having to re-enter information.
They are also used within registration pages to allow you to access stored information.
Persistent Cookies These remain in the cookie file of your browser for longer than other cookies. The duration depends on the lifetime of the specific cookie. Persistent cookies are used to help us recognise a device as a unique visitor by using a number (you cannot be personally identified) when the device returns again to our website.
This allows us to tailor content or advertisements to match your preferred interests or to avoid showing you the same adverts repeatedly.
We also compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use our site and to help us improve the structure of our website. We cannot personally identify you with these compiled statistics.

This website, like many others, uses both first- and third-party cookies. We explain each of these types below. 

First party cookies: When cookies are stored by us for Jaguar [Land Rover] purposes they are called “first party cookies”. Jaguar [Land Rover] uses several first party cookies for four primary purposes, which are explained in more detail below. The list of first party cookies is made available to you, both in the list below and when clicking the “manage preferences” section of the cookie banner. These choices should appear to you when our home page downloads for the first time. 

Third party cookies: Some cookies that are stored when you visit our website may be accessed by other companies. For example:

When a social network’s “like” or similar button is displayed on one of our websites, that social network may store and access its own cookies to provide the button’s functionality and for other purposes. (You should visit the privacy and cookies policy of that social network to understand more about their cookies). The main social networks we allow to display “like” buttons on our website are below, together with links to their privacy and cookies policies, as valid from the date of this Cookie Policy.

When we use an advertising partner, that advertising partner may store and access its own cookies [or pixel-tags] in order that we and they can target adverts to you about Jaguar [Land Rover]products that you have been browsing on our websites.

Cookie Purposes:

Cookies used on this website, like many other websites, are mainly used to support four key purposes. Information about each of these is below.

Essential Cookies Essential cookies are always on because they are necessary to make the Jaguar [Land Rover] website work. These are cookies that are necessary to the operation of our sites, services, applications, and tools. For example, these cookies:
Identify irregular site behaviour and designed to prevent fraudulent activity or improve security.
Operate to remember the items you place in your ‘shopping basket’ when you use our website and services.
Allow you to access secure areas of our websites without you having to continually log in to the website and services; and
Remember previous actions you have taken (such as completing an online form) when navigating back to a page in the same session.
Performance Cookies Performance cookies may collect information about how our websites, [applications], advertisements and email communications are used and flag us if an error occurs. These cookies may be used to collect technical information (such as your last visited website or when you visited), the number of pages in our website you have visited, whether or not email communications you have received have been opened, which parts of the website or email communication have been clicked on and the length of time between clicks.
This information may be associated with details such as your IP address, domain, device type or browser information, and used for analysis in aggregate with similar information from other users, but not used in a way that will directly identify you.

For example, these cookies may be used on our websites to:
Analyse and improve the performance and relevance of our websites, advertisements and email communications.
Manage websites’ performance and design.
Improve the effectiveness of our advertising (and to reduce options that aren’t well liked or responded to in future advertisements) by calculating the number and areas of responses; and
Measure errors on our websites to improve our service and manage complaints.
Functional Cookies These cookies tell us how you use the site and can enable various helpful website [or application] features. For example, to:
Remember preferences you have selected on a previous visit to the website, such as country/language, your interests and the presentation of the website (e.g., layout, font, size, colours, etc.) so you don’t have to tell us again each time you visit.
Remember answers to questions our websites have asked you, such as not wishing to take part in a customer satisfaction survey, so your device is not asked to again.
Detect if a service has already been offered to you, such as an offer of live online help; and
Provide information to enable an optional service to function, such as watching an online video or commenting on a blog.
Targeting or advertising Cookies These types of cookies help to deliver advertisements and to contact you with marketing communications, when we have your permission to do so, that we identify to be more relevant to you and your interests. These cookies may collect information about your browsing habits across our websites, such as which products and services you have clicked on. They may also be used to recognise when you re-visit one of our websites, a website that is part of one of our advertising partners’ network or one of our retailers.

For example, these cookies may be used on our websites to collect information about which Jaguar [Land Rover] products and services you have browsed or added to your shopping basket, so that:
We can provide you with content, recommendations and adverts on our websites that, based on this interaction, are more relevant to you.
We can personalise and target more effectively in our permitted email and other direct marketing communications to you.
Our advertising partners [and retailers] can provide you with adverts on their websites and/or websites in their advertising networks for Jaguar [Land Rover]products and services which, based on our website identified interactions, are more relevant for you; and
We can limit the number of times you see an advert as well as to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising or marketing campaign.

We may also access referral cookies that are sent to your device by the websites of our business partners. These cookies are used to identify each time our business partners refer someone to our websites and whether that person’s visit results in the purchase of a Jaguar [Land Rover] product or service. This information may be disclosed to our business partners, but only in an anonymous way that does not personally identify you.

Social media cookies are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or “like” button on our sites [or apps], or when you engage with our content on or through a social site such as Facebook or Twitter. These cookies collect information about your social media interaction with Jaguar [Land Rover], such as whether you have an account with the social media site and whether you are logged into it when you interact with the Jaguar [Land Rover] content.

Ниже приведен список основных используемых файлов cookie, а также указана цель их использования. Информация о cookie сторонних организаций приведена на следующей вкладке.

Pixel Tags

We may use "pixel tags," which are small graphic files that allow us to monitor the use of our websites. A pixel tag can collect information such as the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer that downloaded the page on which the tag appears; the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page on which the pixel tag appears; the time the page containing the pixel tag was viewed; the type of browser that fetched the pixel tag; and the identification number of any cookie on the computer previously placed by that server. When corresponding with you via HTML capable e-mail, we may use "format sensing" technology, which allows pixel tags to let us know whether you received and opened our e-mail.

Web Beacons

Some of our web pages may contain electronic images known as Web Beacons (sometimes known as clear GIFs) that allow us to count users who have visited these pages. Web Beacons collect only limited information which includes a cookie number, time and date of a page view and a description of the page on which the Web Beacon resides. We may also carry Web Beacons placed by third party advertisers. These Web Beacons do not carry any personally identifiable information and are only used to track the effectiveness of a particular campaign.

Similar technologies

These technologies store information in your browser or device utilising local shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies, and other web application software methods. They can operate across all your browsers, and in some instances may not be fully managed by your browser and may require management directly through your installed applications or device. We do not use these technologies for storing information to target advertising to you on or off our sites.

We may use the terms “cookies” or “similar technologies” interchangeably in our policies to refer to all technologies that we may use to store data in your browser or device or that collect information or help us identify you in the manner described above.

Helping you stay in control. Your choices and options.

Managing Cookies - Disabling, Enabling & Deleting Cookies

You can accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser, or by using the “manage preferences” button in the cookies banner accessible from our home page. Please note, as explained above, all cookies have a purpose, and by disabling access to some or all, you may not be able to use all the interactive or other features of our website. Guideline instructions are shared with you below on how to check cookies are enabled:

How to check cookies are enabled for PCs

Google Chrome
1. Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Options'
2. Click the 'Under the Hood' tab, locate the 'Privacy' section, and select the 'Content settings' button
3. Now select 'Allow local data to be set'

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
1. Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet options', then click on the 'Privacy' tab
2. Ensure that your 'Privacy level' is set to 'Medium' or below, which will enable cookies in your browser
3. Settings above 'Medium' will disable cookies

Mozilla Firefox
1. Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Options'
2. Then select the 'Privacy' icon
3. Click on 'Cookies', then select 'Allow sites to set cookies'

1. Click on the 'Cog' icon at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
2. Click on 'Security', check the option that says 'Block third-party and advertising cookies'
3. Click 'Save'

How to check cookies are enabled for Macs

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
1. Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet options', then click on the 'Privacy' tab
2. Ensure that your 'Privacy level' is set to 'Medium' or below, which will enable cookies in your browser
3. Settings above 'Medium' will disable cookies

Safari on OSX
1. Click on 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
2. Click on 'Security' then 'Accept cookies'
3. Select the 'Only from site you navigate to' option

Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
1. Click on 'Mozilla' or 'Netscape' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
2. Scroll down until you see cookies under 'Privacy & Security'
3. Select 'Enable cookies for the originating website only'

1. Click on 'Menu' at the top of your browser window and select 'Settings'
2. Then select 'Preferences', select the 'Advanced' tab
3. Then select the 'Accept cookies' option

_ga Регистрирует уникальный идентификатор, который используется для получения статистических данных о том, как посетитель использует сайт.
_gat Используется Google Analytics для регулирования частотности запросов.
_gid Регистрирует уникальный идентификатор, который используется для получения статистических данных о том, как посетитель использует сайт.
AMP_TOKEN Содержит маркер, который можно использовать для получения идентификатора клиента из службы AMP Client ID. Другие возможные значения указывают на отказ, запрос в процессе или ошибку при получении идентификатора клиента из службы AMP Client ID.
_gac_ Содержит связанную с кампанией информацию для пользователя. Если вы связали свои учетные записи Google Analytics и Google Ads, теги конверсии веб-сайта Google Ads будут считывать этот файл cookie, если вы не запретите это.
_dc_gtm_UA-, _gid, _ga, __utmc,__utmz, __utma, __utmb, __utmt,__utmt_b, __utmt_c Отслеживание веб-аналитики для Google Analytics.
__utmx Используется для определения включения пользователя в эксперимент.
__utmxx Используется для определения срока окончания экспериментов, в которые был включен пользователь.
_gaexp Используется для определения включения пользователя в эксперимент и истечения срока действия экспериментов, в которых участвовал пользователь.
_opt_awcid Используется для кампаний, сопоставленных с идентификаторами клиентов Google Ads.
_opt_awmid Используется для кампаний, сопоставленных с идентификаторами кампаний Google Ads.
_opt_awgid Используется для кампаний, сопоставленных с идентификаторами рекламных групп Google Ads.
_opt_awkid Используется для кампаний, сопоставленных с идентификаторами критериев Google Ads.
_opt_utmc Сохраняет последний параметр запроса utmПараметр запроса _campaign.
_opt_expid Создается при проведении эксперимента с переадресацией. Сохраняет ID эксперимента, ID варианта и ссылку на страницу, с которой осуществляется переадресация.
fr Используется Facebook для предоставления ряда рекламных продуктов, таких как торги в реальном времени от сторонних рекламодателей.
tr Используется Facebook для предоставления ряда рекламных продуктов, таких как торги в реальном времени от сторонних рекламодателей.
f._fbq Размещается Facebook для отслеживания. Эта информация позволяет нам сделать нашу маркетинговую деятельность более релевантной.
_fbp Используется Facebook для предоставления ряда рекламных продуктов, таких как торги в реальном времени от сторонних рекламодателей.
bcookie Используется службой социальных сетей LinkedIn для отслеживания использования встроенных служб.
bscookie Используется службой социальных сетей LinkedIn для отслеживания использования встроенных служб.
lidc Используется службой социальных сетей LinkedIn для отслеживания использования встроенных служб.
lissc Используется службой социальных сетей LinkedIn для отслеживания использования встроенных служб.
li_at Размещается LinkedIn для отслеживания. Эта информация позволяет нам сделать нашу маркетинговую деятельность более релевантной.
personalization_id Устанавливается компанией Twitter и позволяет посетителю делиться содержимым сайта в своем профиле Twitter.
i/adsct Используется Twitter для определения количества посетителей, заходящих на сайт через рекламный контент Twitter.
i/jot/syndication Устанавливается Twitter в результате интеграции нашей ленты Twitter с нашим веб-сайтом.
_twitter_sess, lang Размещается Twitter для отслеживания. Эта информация позволяет нам сделать нашу маркетинговую деятельность более релевантной.
yt-remote-cast-installed Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
yt-remote-connected-devices Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
yt-remote-device-id Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
yt-remote-fast-check-period Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
yt-remote-session-app Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
yt-remote-session-name Сохраняет предпочтения видеоплеера пользователя, используя встроенные видеоролики YouTube.
YouTube: DSID, FLC, AID, TAID, CONSENT, GPS, PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC Позволяет воспроизводить встроенные видеоролики YouTube и используется для целевой рекламы.